Monthly Archives: March 2016



Pope Plastic Surgery Center - ASPS Member Surgeon

Fat Deposits – Liposuction Treatments

Stubborn fat deposits are common. They can build up around the body and face, especially around the stomach. They typically don’t respond well to dieting or exercise and can make achieving your aesthetic goals seem impossible.To effectively target stubborn fat deposits, the best method is liposuction. Liposuction is the standard in body sculpting and can …

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Pope Plastic Surgery Center - ASPS Member Surgeon

Peels and Skin Care – Cosmetic Facial Treatments

Taking care of your skin is a highly effective strategy for preventing and limiting the effects of aging on your appearance. Peels and skin care are gold standards when it comes to ensuring that you continue to look as youthful and vibrant as possible. At the Pope Plastic Surgery, we’re proud to offer a professional-quality …

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