5 Facts About Tummy Tucks

Pope Plastic Surgery Center - ASPS Member Surgeon

Tummy tucks are designed to remove extra fat and loose skin while helping to produce the toned, flat core that you’ve always wanted. Curious about the procedure, its benefits and if it’s right for you? Here are 5 facts you should know.

Fact #1. The full medical name for a tummy tuck? Abdominoplasty.

Fact #2. A tummy tuck is not a weight loss tool. It is typically used after someone has already lost weight, to eliminate the excess fat and skin that remains.

Fact #3. There is more than one type of tummy tuck:

  • The standard procedure clears away extraneous skin and tightens the underlying muscles of in the abdomen area.
  • The extended tummy tuck reaches even further down the waist, which is a problem area for many.
  • The mini-tummy tuck focuses on your lower abdomen, tightening the muscles found there.

Fact #4. Though tummy tucks have historically been most popular among women, men are increasingly undergoing abdominoplasty as well, oftentimes after a large weight loss.

Fact #5. Tummy tucks offer a variety of benefits:

  • Better-fitting clothes
  • According to Swiss researchers, once someone has excess skin removed, they’re more likely to keep weight off
  • Overall, people feel more confident about their appearance

If you’re interested in learning more about Orlando tummy tucks procedures and their benefits, contact Dr. George Pope and the team at Pope Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation. They can help you determine which type of procedure is best for you.

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