The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) recently released its annual procedural statistics, outlining the rate at which cosmetic surgery is increasing. The report showed that in 2013, 15.1 million cosmetic procedures, both minimally invasive and surgical, were performed in the United States. That’s a three percent increase over the previous year’s annual procedural statistics.What’s …
Exparel®, a single-dose analgesic, is now being used for select procedures at the Pope Plastic Surgery Exparel is now available at Pope Plastic Surgery to help patients manage discomfort after cosmetic surgery at the Orlando, FL, practice. For those who are concerned about taking opioids to relieve their post-surgical pain, Exparel may be a good …
When you think of Orlando cosmetic surgery, what age range first comes to mind? Those in their twenties and thirties, getting their noses shaped and their breasts enlarged? Perhaps those in their forties and fifties, receiving laser hair removal or tummy tucks. Cosmetic surgery isn’t just for the very young. Would you be surprised to …
Approximately 14.6 million cosmetic surgery procedures were performed in the United States alone in 2012. The five most popular procedures during that time period were breast augmentation, nose reshaping, eyelid surgery, liposuction and facelift. Cosmetic surgery is growing in popularity everyday, all over the world.Cosmetic surgery aims to improve aesthetic appearance, often times enhancing it …
Cosmetic surgery offers a solution for those looking to improve their quality of life and has gained mainstream popularity over the past few decades, especially in the United States. Thousands of people, both men and women, are considering cosmetic surgery to remove, improve or revamp some part of their body. Cosmetic surgery is more widely …