Cosmetic Surgery Blog: Should you get a Microdermabrasion treatment or a Chemical Peel?

Pope Plastic Surgery Center - ASPS Member Surgeon

Two of the most popular skin resurfacing procedures are chemical peels and microdermabrasion treatments. Both are effective in exfoliating the skin and reducing the effect of sun,stress, and other damage to the skin. Both cannot be done together because the skin would essentially be stripped of its top layer of cells twice.

But which one should you go for?

So let's look at Microdermabrasion and Chemical Peels both to see which may fit your needs best.

Microdermabrasion is great for skin imperfections like acne, fine lines, wrinkles, and sun spots. Chemical peels are best for a bit more serious skin issues such as wrinkles and scars. Chemical peels can be mild or strong and may require anesthesia if strong because you can experience some discomfort.  Microdermabrasion on the other doesn't hurt and comes in one strength or flavor.

A stronger chemical peel may require some down-time. Glycolic peels are the mildest and require no down-town. Phenol pills are strong and require a few days of downtime to a few months of recovery from redness and swelling on the face. Microdermabrasion recovery is quick, within hours.

Microdermabrasion doesn't have any real side effects. You may experience some redness but that fades within a few hours. But chemical peels can cause burns, scarring, and swelling.

Mild and medium chemical peels can be scheduled once every six weeks for as long as you feel the need but stronger peels like Phenol peels are only done once. Microdermabrasians should be scheduled every two weeks for about 8-12 treatments to get the most benefit.

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