Frequently Asked Questions

Is Dr. Pope board certified?

Yes, Dr. Pope is certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS). Why is this an important distinction for people in Orlando and throughout Florida who are looking for a plastic surgeon?

When selecting a plastic surgeon, you should certainly ask if he or she is board certified. But there are a lot of patients who don’t really understand the significance of board certification, and many certainly don’t realize that an office’s answer to that question COULD be misleading.

A physician who is certified by the ABPS has, after graduation from a 4-year medical school, completed 6 to 8 years of postgraduate surgical training in General Surgery or Ear, Nose, and Throat Surgery AND Plastic Surgery. In addition, he or she has passed rigorous written and oral examinations in the field of plastic surgery. The ABPS is approved by its governing body, The American Board of Medical Specialists. Most medical specialty boards are approved by this parent board. But some, like the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, are not. That is why we feel you should look for a plastic surgeon who is certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery.

Many physicians in their advertising will call themselves plastic surgeons and claim to be board certified. But be sure to ask which board. If you learn that your “plastic surgeon” is certified by The American Board of Ophthalmology (Eyes) or The American Board of Internal Medicine, you may want to keep searching.

Learn more about Dr. Pope’s qualifications and experience.

How much is plastic surgery in Florida?

The cost of plastic surgery varies with the individual patient (needs, cosmetic goals, and other factors) and the procedure performed. While cost is a necessary consideration, it’s important for your safety and the quality of your results to choose a plastic surgeon based on qualifications and experience. You will be given a specific quote for your surgery during your private consultation with Dr. Pope.

What does the surgery quote include?

Your quote will include:

  • The care of one of Central Florida’s premier board-certified plastic surgeons
  • The fee for the surgical facility
  • The anesthesiologist
  • Routine pre- and post-op care for one year
  • 24/7 access to our staff

Do you take insurance?

Most of the procedures we do here are cosmetic, elective surgeries, and are not covered by insurance.

How long is the recovery period after plastic surgery?

Recovery time from a plastic surgery procedure will vary with both the individual patient and the procedure performed. But we can speak in generalities here. With most cosmetic surgery procedures, time off work can usually be limited to one week. Bigger procedures such as a tummy tuck could require an extra week at home. And of course, the type of work you do will dictate how soon you resume it. A person with a desk job involving no heavy lifting can certainly return to work sooner than someone with a more physically demanding job. Many of my patients are hairstylists, and their return to work is delayed, as they tend to stand most of the day at work and are constantly raising their arms. Other patients of mine with more physically demanding jobs include construction workers, salespeople who stay on the road, and teachers.

The procedure you undergo will dictate your recovery. A facelift patient should not drive until neck turning is easy and not painful. Because we use our “ab” muscles while driving to accelerate and brake, a tummy tuck patient should wait at least 2 weeks before driving.

As a general rule, we allow our patients to resume aerobic activity after 3 weeks and weightlifting after 6 weeks. Brisk walking in your neighborhood is all that we want you to do in the first 3 weeks of your recovery. And if you are unsure, certainly call our office to ask us questions. And listen to your body – if any activity during the recovery period is causing you pain, you should put that off for a while.

What if there is a complication with my surgery?

It is highly unlikely that a complication will occur during surgery. Dr. Pope performs many of his surgeries at Orlando Aesthetic Institute (OAI) on Par Street at I-4. OAI is accredited by The American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities, Inc. (AAAASF), considered the gold standard in accreditation, and we regularly have safety training and drills to keep protocols fresh in our minds in the event of an emergency.

Am I able to have a procedure done with Dr. Pope if I live out of town?

Yes, of course. We have many patients who travel from out of town for their surgeries. Lisa Sanzone, our practice manager and medical assistant, would be happy to help set up your pre-op, and post-op appointments so you are away from home the least possible amount of time. She can even recommend hotels in the area. After confirming that you have a trusted family member or friend to bring you in the morning of surgery, drive you home, and stay with you at least 24 hours after your surgery, we are perfectly comfortable with patients traveling for a procedure.

Who will administer my anesthesia?

We understand that general anesthesia makes many patients feel uneasy. You will be taken care of by a board-certified anesthesiologist from JLR Medical Group, the group that staffs the operating rooms at Florida Hospital. JLR is trusted, experienced, and highly capable.

Where will I have my surgery?

Dr. Pope performs many of his surgeries at Orlando Aesthetic Institute at Par Street and I-4.

He is also on staff at Orlando Health and Advent Health (the two major hospital systems in Orlando), as well as Same-Day SurgiCenter of Orlando (SSO), a free-standing outpatient surgery center.

Can I have more than one plastic surgery procedure done at once?

Yes, depending on the amount of time required for each procedure and the recovery process. It is often easier to have multiple procedures done at once, which is the case with mommy makeover procedures, limiting the need to go under general anesthesia again at a later date.

As an added benefit, a 10% discount on Dr. Pope’s surgical fee is applied to additional procedures.

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